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Oil Rallies Put Risk Assets in Favour

As risk-off sentiments may be here to stay for some time, buy gold at dip?

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Breaking News: Gold Rose to 4-Month High Amidst US-Iran Confrontation in

The move by the US to launch an airstrike on Baghdad’s airport could be the spark of a major escalation. Gold may retrace slightly back to 1537, finding support before moving higher towards 1553.

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Beware of Breakouts Due to Low Liquidity This Week

As trading ranges typically expand during the new year week, we expect USD/JPY to move lower from a technical perspective.

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Renewed Brexit Uncertainty Could Resurface

As UK needs to race for trade deal with EU in next 11 months, short GBP/USD upon any rally.

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Sneak Peek: Can NFP Benefit from the Return of Workers from General Motors?

The return of 46,000 workers to GM could boost employment numbers tonight, though leading indicators show a deterioration.

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Fullerton Foundation Celebrates its First Anniversary with Acts of Goodwill

Since its launch last year, Fullerton Foundation has grown from strength to strength, having initiated seven charitable activities across the ASEAN region in 2018 alone.

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