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Breaking News: Dow Fell 3.1% in 2 Days After Fears of Outbreak in US

As the coronavirus pandemic worsens in Europe and the US, investors are panic selling and finally realising the impact. Buy gold at dip?

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Global Uncertainties Put Aussie on the Edge

Aussie dollar may not have bottomed yet as production capacity in China remains low

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Breaking News: Safe Haven Rose After Apple Revenue Warning

Apple Inc’s revenue warning underscored the financial fallout of the coronavirus epidemic in China. More companies may lower growth forecast for the near term. Buy XAU/USD at dip.

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Special Edition: How Coronavirus Hits Global Economy and Affects Monetary Policy

With uncertainties weighing on the global economy, long gold at dip.

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Breaking News: EUR/USD Fell to a 3-Year Low Amid Economic Slowdown and Coronavirus

With the number of coronavirus cases increasing and the slowdown in the euozone’s economy, it may be too early to call for a bottoming of EUR/USD. EUR/USD can still move lower.

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Breaking News: RBNZ Positive Comments Failed to Support NZD

Despite the bullish comments from RBNZ, the fear of coronavirus impacting the economy will keep investors cautious. Short NZD/USD?

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4 Smart Financial Goals to Set in 2020

It’s the new year and you’ve finally made up your mind to make bigger financial goals. How do you set yourself up for financial success? Here are some smart goals for 2020 we think will pay dividends.

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Aussie Dollar Becomes the Victim Due to Coronavirus

As uncertainties continue to weigh on global economy, short Aussie at rally.

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Sneak Peek: NFP Tonight Could Continue to Fuel Dollar

With ADP employment change doubling and jobless claims falling, we could expect a healthy NFP data though the gains should be modest. Short EUR/USD?

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China Stocks Raise Fears on Global Growth Outlook

With risk-off mode expected to stay, buy safe-havens like gold and yen.

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Sneak Peek: Bank of England May Lean Towards Dovishness Tonight

With more MPC members expected to vote for a rate cut tonight due to weaker UK’s growth in general, we could expect dovish sentiments from Governor Carney. GBP/JPY could slide further.

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Sneak Peek: Fed May Keep Neutral Stance Despite Threat of Coronavirus Outbreak

With US-China trade tensions easing, improvement in US data and limited cases of Coronavirus in the US, Fed has no urgency to change its stance. Short EUR/USD?

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Global Fears Escalate as Virus Weighs on Economic Growth

As risk-off mode may continue to stay, gold and yen may be your best bet.

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Breaking News: Euro Sold Off Sharply After ECB’s Dovish Outlook

As ECB will be keeping QE “as long as necessary” due to risks tilted to the downside, Euro might continue to sell off in the coming months. Sell EUR/USD?

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Sneak Peek: What to Expect from Bank of Canada Tonight?

Despite a rebound in Canada’s employment, sluggish productivity and lower oil prices could cause BoC to lean towards dovishness. CAD/JPY could be a good pair for shorts.

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What the Easing of US-China Trade Tension Means for Euro

ECB may continue to loosen monetary measures amid economic uncertainties in the region, short EUR/USD?

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Breaking News: Phase One Deal Done, Market Remains Cautious

As existing tariffs on Chinese goods remain even after the phase one deal, global trade tensions might not be better off yet. Long gold would be a safer bet.

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3 Ways to Become a Better Leader

Your idea of success probably centres around people – and they’re most likely people you’d consider leaders.

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All About US-China Phase One Deal This Week

China Vice Premier Liu He will be flying to Washington today to commence phase one talks on 15 January. We could see a shift into risk-on sentiments this week.

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Breaking News: Gold Rose to 2013 High After Iran Attacks Iraqi Base Housing US Troops

Iran’s retaliation could be seen to the US administration as an “act of war” which could further escalate the current conflict. Safe-haven bets could be your best bet.

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