Inflation Concerns May Become Dollar’s Friend

The inflation proves to be a short-term spike that should resolve itself as the economy returns to something like normal. No matter the inflation concern is for short or long term, dollar may find...

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Copy Tip of the Week – Top Pick Of The Week “Perfect Score”

Let’s look at our Strategy Provider “Perfect Score. Even though he has only been running for 5 months 3 weeks, his results for these 5 months has been pretty fantastic. What caught our attention was...

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Copy Tip of the Week – Strategy Provider “BearVsBull”

Strategy Provider “BearVsBull” has been running his account since May 2017, a total of 3 years and 4 months.

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Copy Tip of the Week – How to Find Strategies That Trade with a Fixed Stop Loss

Most of the time, a good trading strategy is one that follows its trading plan. This is why a trader who sets a stop loss is usually deemed as a trader with a plan as compared to traders who allow...

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Copy Tip of the Week – How to Filter Out Strategy Providers According to Your Risk Profile

Our copy trading platform, CopyPip, offers more than 300 strategy providers with different risk profiles and performance to copy from. How do we choose the right Strategy Providers (SPs) who fit our...

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Copy Tip of the Week – Strategy Provider “Yellow Brick”

“Yellow Brick” is a strategy provider (SP) from UK who has been running for 2148 days with a growth of 139.57%. What drew my attention was his drawdown which is only 19%. We will recommend this SP...

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Copy Tip of the Week – How to Check Ratings and Reviews of Strategy Providers

Wouldn’t it be great if you can see the feedback from other strategy followers who followed the strategy provider (SP) you are looking to follow?

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Copy Tip of the Week – How to Diversify your CopyPip Portfolio

Diversifying your investments is important in building wealth. There’s an old saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” which means don’t put all your money in one investment. The same...

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Markets Are Sending Different Signals on Recovery

When bond traders are questioning the strength of economy recovery, does this mean that USD/JPY tends to weaken?

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Copy Tip of the Week – Managing Copy Trading Risk with Money Management Correlation (MMC)

MMC (Money Management Correlation) is an indicator under “Portfolio” which shows conformity of your settings in a specific trading strategy to Money Management rules defined by a strategy provider.

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Breaking News: US NFP Surges by 4.8 Million While Unemployment Rate Fell to 11.1%

Even though the Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP) released tonight might be painting a good picture for the US economy, the labour market still has a long way to recover the 20 million job losses in April. We...

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Global Coronavirus Cases Hit 10 Million Before the US Jobs Report is Released

Market sentiment turns fragile once again amid fears of a second virus wave, sell risk assets at this point?

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Copy Tip of the Week – How to Filter Out Strategy Providers Using Demo Accounts (19 June 2020)

In the forex trading scene, it’s normal for new traders to start with a demo account first before switching to a Live account and investing with their hard-earned money.

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Breaking News: Bank of England to Boost Bond-Buying Programme by £100 billion

Though Bank of England (BoE) said the hit on economy may not be as severe as initially feared, it does not mean the recovery will be quick. GBP/USD could continue its downtrend.

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Risk Assets’ Sentiment Enters into a Cautious Stage

The progress of the economy reopening continues to weigh on risk assets, short USD/JPY this week?

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Copy Tip of the Week – How much is the commission charged on CopyPip?

Copy trading is one of the easiest ways to start trading – simply follow, copy and start earning from our top traders. Fullerton Markets’ CopyPip is a powerful tool that allows you to copy trades...

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Fed May Offer Dollar A Boost This Week

With the market expecting Fed to act slightly neutral, dollar could rise higher this week.

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Breaking News: Euro Rose to 8-Week High Amid ECB’s Moves to Boost Stimulus

With investors looking past all data weakness and in favour of the economy re-opening and expectations of strong 2H growth, EUR/USD rally could end. Short EUR/USD?

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Copy Tip of the Week: Inversed Trading

There are losers and winners in the Forex market. Some of us might be wondering, while it’s possible to replicate successes of the winners through copy trading, is it possible to avoid what the...

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