We are looking at “BS” – a strategy provider (SP) whose CopyPip rank is 70.80.

1. Copy Tip of the Week – Strategy Provider “BS” (May 22)

This SP ranks on the Top 10 list on the CopyPip platform albeit based on his statistics, his performance is quite moderate. This is especially so when we look at the figures of Max Drawdown, Average Per Month and Recommended Minimum. We recommend this provider for someone who is looking for strategies with moderate return.

Another point to note is that his trading history (Age) has been running for 3 years, which is a reasonable period. Now, let us dive deeper into the statistics.

Over the past 3 years from July 2018 to May 2020, he only had 2 losing months. His lowest monthly profit was -13.29% while the highest monthly profit was up to 37.70%.

2. Copy Tip of the Week – Strategy Provider “BS” (May 22)

Now, let us take a closer look at his trading statement. In terms of trading style, he is considered between an intra-day to a swing trader. He trades by collecting pips at an average of more than 9.18 pips per order, which is a collection of profits that cover 0.7 pips fee per order. Most of his orders were held on average for 3 days.

Lastly, he focuses only on EUR/USD for 100%.

3. Copy Tip of the Week – Strategy Provider “BS” (May 22)

4. Copy Tip of the Week – Strategy Provider “BS” (May 22)

Even though he has quite a few losing trades, he is still able to recover by earning smaller pips in the same month.

His worst trade was -351.33 pips with an equivalent loss of -5.52%. Similarly, the best trade was +177.5 pips with profit of 10.25% with high probability of 72.63%.

To be fair, his best trade came in at +177.5 pips which earned him 10.25% while the worst trade only lost him -5.52%. This is because of the dynamic lot size used by the provider in his trades. With the right risk management approach, you can lose more pips, but the actual loss could be only a few percentages of your overall account equity.

5. Copy Tip of the Week – Strategy Provider “BS” (May 22)


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